Ps Gerald Goenawan

Pastor Gerald is the Senior Pastor at IFGF Auckland. He founded IFGF Auckland in 2007 and married Sabrina shortly after. They are blessed with one son, Genesis and have been ministering together as a family in the church. IFGF Auckland is their home and it is their vision for IFGF Auckland to become a church that feels like home, where people live, love, laugh and learn together

Gerald is very passionate about people and their growth. He believes that the church is the people. He will often say, ‘Don’t go to church, be the church!’ It is his great joy to witness people encountering Christ and growing through God’s word and ministry. Other than his love for people and his family, Gerald also likes tinkering and fixing things with his tools. He loves mechanics, the automotive industry and car races.

Gerald has been involved with church ministry since he was a teenager. He was involved with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) movement when he was 11 years old. He travelled and ministered with YWAM to several countries and eventually took part in YWAM’s Discipleship Course in Aotearoa at YWAM Whangarei Base. Gerald has completed his Leadership diploma from LIFE College and is currently completing his degree in Theology at Laidlaw College.